What is the SuperS Ending Song Rashiku Ikimasho Talking About?

We're Ikimasho-ing, in a Rashiku-manner

We’re Ikimasho-ing, in a Rashiku-manner

“La la la never give up, ganbaru wa!” – these truly are words to live by, and I don’t think any of our beloved sailor-suited girls of love and justice could have said it any better (absent the help of the musical genius of Stan Bush) in the second ending to the Sailor Moon SuperS anime, Rashiku Ikimasho.

But there’s a problem: when you stop and read through the lyrics, it doesn’t actually make a whole lot of sense.

Today we’re going to talk about some of the confusion surrounding this awesome song, and what makes the song so powerful. This may get a bit detailed, so be sure you’ve had a nice cup of coffee (or delicious Pop-Tart?) before we dive straight in!

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Why Are the Sailor Moon Characters Always at School?

Usagi practically lives at school

Usagi practically lives at school

When the Sailor Team aren’t being shown at school, the vast majority of the misadventures our girls of love and justice get into seem to take place on the way to – or from – school. While the sailor-inspired school uniform is obviously an important part of the story’s theme, the schoolwork itself plays a very minor role in the series. So why are the characters always at school, then?

Before you say “because it’s a cartoon, you jerk!” – and you wouldn’t be entirely wrong, on either point – it’s probably worth pointing out that there actually is some historical significance behind this.

Today we’re going to take a look back at the early 90s, and how the Japanese Ministry of Education’s policies affected the world of Sailor Moon. If that doesn’t get your blood pumping, I don’t know what will!

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What Was it Like to Record Audio for the Sailor Moon S Movie?

Tell me your secrets!

Tell me your secrets!

Whether it’s due to really restrictive NDAs signed by everyone involved, a stronger sense of respect for one’s prior workplace, or a power-hungry industry that will shut out anyone who opens their mouths from finding new work, it’s pretty uncommon to find tell-all accounts of what it was like working behind the scenes of Sailor Moon, or even any anime really.

While I wish I could say that I’m here to sate your (and my?) desire for drama, I’m actually here to share with you a heartwarming account by Kotono Mitsuishi, voice of Sailor Moon and Usagi Tsukino.1

Sit back, relax, and enjoy!

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What Struggles Did Naoko Takeuchi Face in Becoming a Mother?

The Princes and her Prince

The Princess and her Prince

While I typically like to keep this blog focused on matters either directly in the world of Sailor Moon or relating to things that happened back in the era, I think when we’re talking about the creative genius behind our favorite sailor-suited soldiers (of love and justice!!), I think we can allow a little wiggle room.

Though today’s topic doesn’t tie in directly into Sailor Moon or any of the characters that inhabit her carefully crafted universe, Ms. Takeuchi is a fascinating woman in her own right and definitely merits discussion. So let’s take a look at how her family came to be!

A word of caution: This article discusses the loss of a child, which is a topic that I know hits home for unfortunately far too many people. Please feel free to skip this article if the topic matter is something you’re uncomfortable with.

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How Did the Concept of Codename: Sailor V Evolve Into Sailor Moon?

In search of the missing link

In search of the missing link

Now that it’s been over a quarter of a century since Sailor Moon first hit bookshelves, and hit the airwaves shortly after that, I doubt it’s really much of a surprise to anyone to hear that another series by Ms. Takeuchi, Codename: Sailor V, served as a precursor to our favorite series.

And if you didn’t know… well, surprise! Now you do. Since I have a strict “one tidbit per post” rule, I guess that means that we call get to just go home then.

… or, I could finish what I started.

Today we’ll be talking about the creative process that was involved in turning a one-shot manga starring the no-nonsense beauty Sailor V and her sidekick kitty-pal Artemis into the multimedia powerhouse starring a full-fledged Sailor Team.

I hope you join along for the ride!

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What Did Rubeus Mean that it’s the Age of Aquarius?

Rubeus likes to talk in riddles

Rubeus likes to talk in riddles

I’m going to go out on a limb here and say that you’re probably wondering what I’m referring to, seeing as this is one line that appears in the manga and, if you weren’t really paying attention, you may have just glossed over it and not even noticed. It doesn’t seem important anyway, right?

Well lucky for you and me alike, I waste spend my days reading up on random tidbits of Sailor Moon trivia, and this one just happened to be the one that most recently sparked my interest.

That’s right, folks! We’re going to talk about what Rubeus was implying when he warned the world that the Age of Aquarius was about to start.1 If you’re interested, I hope you join along for the ride!

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How Were Haruka and Michiru’s VAs Told to Portray Their Characters?

Masako Katsuki and Megumi Ogata

Masako Katsuki and Megumi Ogata

Though the arguments have mostly settled down in recent years, discussions over the nature of Haruka and Michiru’s relationship was, at one time, one of the most hotly contested debates in the nascent days of the North American Sailor Moon fandom.

Today, we’re going to take a look at an interview conducted with Megumi Ogata and Masako Katsuki, voice actresses for Haruka Tenoh and Michiru Kaioh respective, and see how they approached figuratively, and literally, breathing life into their characters.

I hope you stick around!

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